Friday, May 14, 2010

It's Friday and I'm Not Even Thankful

That's right. I'm not thankful it's the weekend. I know I should be, but I'm stressed out and grumpy. While working late at work tonight, I got a text from my wife informing me that the rear driver side window of our truck had come out of its track and was no longer working. To make matters worse, the window is DOWN and I can't force it up without fear of making it worse. Our cottonwood tree is blooming, spreading it's fluff everywhere and we're busy tomorrow and it's supposed to rain within a couple of days. Of course it's working out like this. Why not?!?

One thing after another, it seems. I'm completely frustrated. I know that this is NOT God's best for us, but we keep getting slammed with things like this, so that we can't climb forward. We keep spinning our wheels and resources just trying to survive. In some ways, we're sliding backwards.

Please pray for us, would you? Please pray that God reveal the areas in life where I've obviously wandered way off course and stepped out of His protection. If it's laziness, anger, lack of passion, whatever, I need to know. Please pray that we'll begin to gain ground in this life, instead of treading water.


Good Night

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