Tonight, the fellowship of the men's group was wonderful. We spoke about what it means to be a disciple of the Lord. We shared stories and ideas of when we came to know the Lord, or how we've felt the Lord has used us as "conduits" to reach others in our world. A common theme vocalized among the men was that God will use events, experiences and people to knock on the doors of our hearts. It makes a lot of sense; a loving God reaching out to us in any way He can, so that we may hear the good news and accept Him.
Sadly, we aren't always open to Him when he calls on us.
This got me thinking. If we are honest and upright in our daily lives and in our walk with the Lord, we'll bear the nature of Jesus, right? This nature is the unexplainable quality that the world sees in us and naturally draws them in for a closer look. If we're not authentic, non-believers will see right through it. This could be a missed connection.
It's not that we're out prospecting or hunting for souls. No, we're to be living examples- and the nature of Jesus will draw people into our lives, so that we too can minister to them and share the Gospel. We'll literally become fishers of men, without having to worry about the bait. It's not only about preaching. Sure, that's an element of ministry, but it could be as simple as smiling at someone who's having a rough day. It's a ride to work when someones car is in the shop. It's being honest when it counts. It's a cup of coffee for a homeless person. It's an ear that's absolutely willing to listen. It's all of these things and more.
Let's evaluate where we're at in our relationship with the Lord. Are we living genuine lives, or are we faking it? Are we open conduits for the Holy Spirit, or are we old, clogged pipes? Remember, if we aren't living for Christ, we're not only hurting ourselves, but we're also not making the divine connections God has designed for us. That hurts other people; maybe a stranger, a co-worker or dear friend. Maybe even a family member.
Matthew 4:19 (New International Version)
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Good Night
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