Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Are You In a Rut?

This past weekend, our pastor shared some interesting things, but the one which stuck in my mind, was the saying that "a rut is simply a grave with the ends kicked out". I'd heard this saying before, but listening to it again and pondering what it's like to perpetually live in a rut got me thinking: I've been in a rut for longer than I care to admit- well over a year now. And, it's all of my own doing.

God's best life for us most certainly doesn't involve being average. If living a Christian life only produces mediocre results, ho-hum blessings and lackluster fruit of the spirit- things that are supposed to set us apart from the world, why would any non-Christian want what we have?

It's not that we're trying to place a facade on Christianity. No, we genuinely want to experience a Christ-filled life, so that when others see us, they automatically want the kind of life we have simply because we exude Jesus' nature. It's not about material things, it's about authentic life. I don't believe that comes from days of "going through the motions"- although we all experience those days from time to time. I'd bet that God has big plans for each of us. We may not all be predestined to become movie stars, athletes or business moguls. However, we were created to have a dynamic, aggressive, passionate relationship with God. Most assuredly, His plans for our lives are more adventurous, colorful and enriching than anything we settle into under our own steam.

I found this neat article about how to get out of a rut. It features a cute little parable about a frog. Let's walk through these recommended steps together and identify our own ruts. Then, let's actively take small, successive steps to get out of them. Then, we can get to the good stuff that this life has to offer.

Good Night

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS STATEMENT: However, we were created to have a dynamic, aggressive, passionate relationship with God. I think "going through the motions" might just be a sin. I'm not sure, but it's less than authentic. Jesus didn't come to give us "life on auto-pilot." Really good post Warren!
