Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It was a full day of work and volunteering. It's almost 9pm and I've yet to have dinner (my wife is actually picking it up right now). I'm physically and mentally spent and it's only Wednesday. Yet, I'm satisfied. I'd rather wear myself out and actually feel like the rest at the end of the day is deserved, instead of being lazy and floating along with life's routines. It's too bad that I've had more than my share of lazy days... However, today was a success. I've included a blurb from an article I found about successful living and a relevant Bible verse to drive the point home:

The Law of the Farm

The concept behind the Law of the Farm is simple: As in farming, success in life comes from regular disciplined, daily effort. Jesus expressed this life principle in the Bible, when he told us that as we sow, so shall we reap.

Galatians 6:7 (New International Version)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

A farmer cannot expect to reap a bumper crop by being lazy for three months and then "cramming" to catch up. Similarly, the greatest successes in life are built slowly and deliberately through focused, consistent, high-quality efforts on a daily basis.
The basic unit of success: The day

Covey's Law of the Farm principle is strikingly similar to a concept presented by the late Earl Nightingale in one of his audiotapes. In Nightingale's mind, success is built upon the most basic building block of time -- the day. Success comes not from sudden, sporadic bursts of activity but through the cumulative effect of disciplined, daily effort.

Looking back upon a successful life, Nightingale asserted, a person would usually discover that no one individual day was responsible for turning the trick. Rather, it was the successful succession of days, lived as best as one can, one day at a time, that was responsible for his or her ultimate success.

Good Night

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